Cholewiak, S.Vergne, R.Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Fleming, R.Appearance controls interpretation of orientation flows for 3D shape estimationMODVIS, Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision2015papers/3d_shape_2015.pdf
Cholewiak, S.Vergne, R.Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Fleming, R.Distinguishing between texture and shading flows for 3D shape estimationJournal of Vision15129652015
Kunsberg, B.Holtmann-Rice, D.Zucker, S.Global constraints on integral curves of shaded surfacesJournal of Vision15129672015
Kunsberg, B.Fleming, R.Zucker, S.Which pieces anchor the shape from shading puzzle, and how they fit togetherJournal of Vision14107222015
Cholewiak, S.Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Fleming, R.Texture and shading flows predict performance in first and second order 3D shape tasksPRISM4: Perceptual Representation of Illumination, Shape and Materials2014
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Feedforward learning of mixture modelsAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (NIPS 2014)2014papers/LawlorZucker2014.pdf
Cholewiak, S.Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Fleming, R.Predicting 3D shape perception from shading and texture flowsVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2014
Cholewiak, S.Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Fleming, R.Perceptual regions of interest for 3D shape derived from shading and texture flowsTeaP - 56th Conference of Experimental Psychologists2014
Wang, Q.Kim, E.Chawarska, K.Scassellati, B.Zucker, S.Shic, F.On Relationships Between Fixation Identification Algorithms and Fractal Box Counting MethodsEye Tracking Research and Applications Symposium (ETRA 2014)2014papers/wang2014.pdf
Dimitrov, P.Zucker, S.Auxin and Venation Development in Plants: Global distance information via cellular-level signalsWinter Q-Bio Meeting2014
Holtmann-Rice, D.Zucker, S.Color Flows and Color MixingVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2014
Cranford, J.Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Zucker, R.Non-linear dimensionality reduction and prediction of drinking behavior change37th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism2014
Zucker, S.Border inference and border ownership: The challenge of integrating geometry and topologyOxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization2014papers/Border_Inference_and_Border_Ownership.pdf
Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Why shading matters along contoursNeurogeometry of Vision2014papers/why-shading-matters.pdf
Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.How shading constrains surface patches without knowledge of light sourcesSIAM J. Imaging Sciences72641 - 6882014papers/shading-constraints2014.pdf
Zucker, R.Cranford, J.Zucker, S.Metaxas, D.Discovering Control Variables for Maladaptive Drinking Behavior by Stochastic Model Analysis of Social InteractionFirst Annual Conference Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction2013
Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Inferring Shape from Shading Flow: light source(s) as an emergent propertyVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2013
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Third-Order Edge Statistics: Contour Continuation, Curvature, and Cortical ConnectionsAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS 2013)2013papers/LawlorZucker2013.pdf
Cranford, J.Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Zucker, R.A.Applications Of Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction To The Secondary Analysis Of Alcohol Epidemiology Data Sets36th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism2013
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Tensor Decomposition by Modified BCM Neurons Finds Mixture Means Through Input TripletsNIPS 2013 Workshop: High-Dimensional Statistical Inference in the Brain2013papers/BCMTensor.pdf
Alexander, E.Holtmann-Rice, D.Zucker, S.When Shading Flows With Color: grounding shape and material inferenceVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2013
Holtmann-Rice, D.Alexander, E.Fleming, R.Zucker, S.When Color Flows With Shading: making depth disappearVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2013
Le, M.Lawlor, M.Russett, B.Sweeney, J.Zucker, S.Analysis of UN Voting Patterns via Diffusion Geometry and Thematic ClusteringIEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining2013papers/voting-patterns.pdf
Le, M.Sweeney, J.Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Discovering thematic structure in political science datasetsProc. IEEE ISI Intelligence and Security Informatics2013papers/thematic-structure.pdf
Fleming, R.W.Vergne, R.Zucker, S.W.Predicting the effects of illumination on shape from shadingJournal of Vision1396112013
Zucker, S.What are intermediate-level visual features?The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology: Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance2013
Zucker, S.The Visual Hierarchy Mirage: Seeing Trees in a GraphShape Perception in Human and Computer Vision, Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2013
Le, M.Sweeney, J.Russett, B.Zucker, S.Structural Inference in Political Science DatasetsProc. IEEE ISI Intelligence and Security Informatics2012
Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.Shape-from-shading and cortical computation: a new formulationVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2012
Holtmann-Rice, D.Zucker, S.Superposition of glass patterns: Finding the flow through local measurementsVision Sciences Society Annual Meeting2012
Kunsberg, B.Zucker, S.The differential geometry of shape from shading: Biology reveals curvature structureIEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2012
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Which edge probabilities reveal long-range horizontal connections in visual cortex?Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 20122012
Zucker, S.Distance Images and the Enclosure Field: Applications in Intermediate-Level Computer and Biological VisionInnovations in Shape Analysis2012
Zucker, S.Local Field Potentials and Border Ownership: a conjecture about computation in visual cortexJournal of Physiology1065-6297 - 3152012
Savadjiev, P.Strijkers, G.Bakermans, A.Piuze, E.Zucker, S.Siddiqi, K.Heart wall myofibers are arranged in minimal surfaces to optimize organ functionProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA)109249248-92532012papers/myofibers.pdf
Le, M.Russett, B.Sweeney, J.Zucker, S.A kernel analysis of Kant's conjecture4th Annual Political Networks Conference2011
Dimitrov, P.Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Distance images and intermediate-level visionThird International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision2011
Le, M.Sweeney, J.Liberty, E.Zucker, S.Similarity kernels via bi-clustering for conventional intergovernmental organizationsIEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference2010
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Third-order statistics reveal curvature dependencySnowbird Workshop on Learning2010papers/third-order.pdf
Gintautas, V.Kunsberg, B.Ham, M.Barr, S.Zucker, S.Brumby, S.Bennencourt, L.Kenyon, G.An improved model for contour completion in V1 using learned feature correlation statisticsJournal of Vision10711622010
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Good continuation in layers: Shading flows, color flows, surfaces and shadowsPerception beyond Inference: The Information Content of Visual Processes241 - 2602010
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.General geometric good continuation: From Taylor to Laplace via level setsInt. J. Computer Vision86148 - 712010
Keller, Y.Lafon, S.Coifman, R.Zucker, S.Audio-Visual Group Recognition Using Diffusion MapsIEEE Transactions On Signal Processing581403 - 4132010
Li, G.Zucker, S.Differential Geometric Inference in Surface StereoIEEE Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence32172 - 862010
Zucker, S.Dimitrov, P.Pattern formation in plants, 1: uniform production and proportional destruction of auxinPlant Vascular Development2009
Kunsberg, B.Kenyon, G.Zucker, S.Using connectivity to identify surface patchesDecade of the Mind IV2009
Dimitrov, P.Zucker, S.Pattern formation in plants, 2: facilitated transport, constant gradient hypothesis, and long-distance communicationPlant Vascular Development2009
Lawlor, M.Zucker, S.Diffusion geometry learns cocircular structure from natural imagesInternational Conference on sub-Riemannian Geometry and Vision2009
Lawlor, M.Holtmann-Rice, D.Huggins, P.Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Boundaries, Shading, and Border Ownership: a cusp at their interactionJ. Physiol(Paris)10318 - 362009papers/boundaries2009.pdf
Hart, J.Scassellati, B.Zucker, S.Estimating the kinematics of unseen joints that affect the stereo vision system4th Annual New England Manipulation Symposium2008
Zucker, S.Organization of intermediate-level visual featuresSIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS08)2008
Hart, J.Scassellati, B.Zucker, S.Epipolar geometry for humanoid robotic headsICVW 2008 - Fourth International Cognitive Vision Workshop2008
Hart, J.Avrunin, E.Golub, D.Scassellati, B.Zucker, S.Incorporating active vision into the body schemaHRI '08: Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conf. on human robot interaction2008
Hart, J.Scassellati, B.Zucker, S.Calibrating the eye motion of an humanoid robotIEEE 7th Int. Conf. on Development and Learning2008
Zucker, S.Li, G.Stereo Correspondence and Image Registration: Fundamental GeometryASPRS 20082008
Shic, F.Chawarska, K.Zucker, S.Scassellati, B.Fractals from fixations41st Mathematical Psychology Conference2008
Zucker, S.The Challenge of Vision/The Delight in SeeingFirst Doubt: Optical confusion in modern photography19 - 222008
Li, G.Genc, Y.Zucker, S.Multi-view edge-based stereo by incorporating spatial coherenceThe 6th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling2007
Ben-Shahar, O.Li, G.Zucker, S.Connection Geometry, Color, and StereoThe 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns2007
Liberty, E.Almagor, M.Keller, Y.Coifman, R.Zucker, S.Scoring psychological questionnaires and surveys using geometric harmonicsSnowbird Workshop on Learning2007
Sachdev, P.Zucker, S.Siddiqi, K.On the Differential Geometry of 3D Flow Patterns: Generalized Helicoids and Diffusion Analysis, MRIEleventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision2007
Ben-Shahar, O.Scholl, B.Zucker, S.Attention, segregation, and textons: Bridging the gap between object-based attention and texton-based segregationVision Research476845-8602007
Huggins, P.Zucker, S.Greedy basis pursuitIEEE Transactions On Signal Processing5573760 - 37722007
Coifman, R.Lafon, S.Maggioni, M.Keller, Y.Szlam, A.Warner, F.Zucker, S.Geometries of sensor outputs, inference and information processingInference and Information Processing, SPIE2006
Li, G.Zucker, S.Differential Geometric Consistency Extends Stereo to Curved SurfacesProc. 9th European Conference on Computer Vision2006
Li, G.Zucker, S.Surface Geometric Constraints for Stereo in Belief PropagationProc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2006
Ben-Shahar, O.Glaser, A.Zucker, S.Good Continuation in Layers: Shading flows, color flows, surfaces and shadowsPerceptual Organization in Computer Vision2006
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Boundary Gestalt Limits Flow Gestalt: The Geometry of Good ContinuationVisual Thought: The depictive space of the mind115 - 1312006
Bouis, S.Siddiqi, K.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Medial axis computation and evolutionStatistics and Analysis of Shapes1 - 292006
Zucker, S.Which Computation Runs in Visual Cortical Columns?Problems in Systems Neuroscience2006
Zucker, S.Differential Geometry from the Frenet Point of View: Boundary Detection, Stereo, Texture and ColorHandbook of Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision2006
Dimitrov, P.Zucker, S.A constant production hypothesis that predicts the dynamics of leaf venation patterningProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA)13249363 - 93682006papers/venation_patterning.pdf
Li, G.Zucker, S.Contextual Inference in Contour-Based Stereo CorrespondenceInt. J. of Computer Vision69159 - 752006
Li, G.Zucker, S.Stereo for slanted surfaces: First order disparities and normal consistencyEnergy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 5th International Workshop, EMMCVPR 20052005
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Good continuation of general 2D visual features: dual harmonic models and computational inferenceProc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision2005
Coifman, R.Lafon, S.Lee, A.Maggioni, M.Nadler, B.Warner, F.Zucker, S.Geometric diffusions as a tool for harmonic analysis and structure definition of data: Multiscale MethodsProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA)102217432 - 74372005
Coifman, R.Lafon, S.Lee, A.Maggioni, M.Nadler, B.Warner, F.Zucker, S.Geometric diffusions as a tool for harmonic analysis and structure definition of data: Diffusion MapsProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA)102217426 - 74312005
Coifman, R.Maggioni, M.Zucker, S.Kevrekidis, I.Geometric diffusions for the analysis of data from sensor networksCurrent Opinion in Neuroscience155576 - 5842005
Shokoufandeh, A.Macrini, D.Dickinson, S.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Indexing Hierarchical Structures Using Graph SpectraIEEE Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence2771125-11402005
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Hue geometry and horizontal connectionsVision And Brain: How the brain sees / New approaches to computer vision2004
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Sensitivity to curvatures in orientation-based texture segmentationVision Research443257 - 2772004
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Hue geometry and horizontal connectionsNeural Networks175-6753-7712004
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Hue fields and color curvatures: A perceptual organization approach to color image denoisingProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 032003
Li, G.Zucker, S.A Differential Geometrical Model for Contour-Based Stereo CorrespondenceProc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric, and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003)2003
Ben-Shahar, O.Scholl, B.Zucker, S.Where objects come from: Attention, segmentation, and textonsJournal of Vision39747a2003
Zucker, S.Computing in Cortical Columns: Information Processing in Visual CortexSENSORS AND SENSING IN BIOLOGY AND ENGINEERING263 - 2742003
August, J.Zucker, S.Sketches with curvature: The curve indicator random field and Markov processesIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence254387 - 4012003
Ben-Shahar, O.Huggins, P.Izo, T.Zucker, S.Cortical Connections and Early Visual Function: Intra- and Inter-Columnar ProcessingJ. Physiol. (Paris)972,3191 - 2082003
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.The Perceptual Organization of Texture Flow: A Contextual Inference ApproachIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence254401 - 4172003
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Geometrical computations explain projection patterns of long-range horizontal connections in visual cortexNeural Computation163445 - 4762003
Pizer, S.Damon, J.Siddiqi, K.Szekely, G.Zucker, S.Multiscale Medial Loci and Their PropertiesInt. J. of Computer Vision553155-1792003
Ben-Shahar, O.Huggins, P.Zucker, S.On computing visual flows with boundaries: The case of shading and edgesBiologically Motivated Computer Vision2002
Huggins, P.Zucker, S.Representing edge models vial local principal component analysisProc. Seventh European Conf. on Computer Vision2002
Macrini, D.Shokoufandeh, A.Dickinson, S.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.View-based 3-D object recognition using shock graphsProc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition2002
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.Curvature and the Perceptual Organization of Texture FlowsJournal of Vision27468a2002
Macrini, D.Shokoufandeh, A.Dickinson, S.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Spectral Methods for View-Based 3-D Object Recognition Using SilhouettesProc. of the Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition2002
Zucker, S.Li, G.Alibhai, S.Geometry of Contour-based Correspondence for StereoProc. International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT'02)2002
Siddiqi, K.Bouix, S.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Hamilton-Jacobi SkeletonsInt. J. of Computer Vision483215 - 2322002
August, J.Zucker, S.A generative model for image contours: a completely characterized non-Gaussian joint distributionSecond International Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision2001
August, J.Zucker, S.A Markov process using curvature for filtering curve imagesEMMCVPR 2001, Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition2001
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Many-to-many matching of attributed trees using association graphs and game dynamicsProc. Fourth Int. Workshop on Visual Form2001
Ben-Shahar, O.Zucker, S.On the Perceptual Organization of Texture and Shading Flows: From a Geometrical Model to Coherence ComputationProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR012001
Huggins, P.Zucker, S.How folds cut a sceneProc. Fourth Int. Workshop on Visual Form323 - 3322001
Chen, H.Huggins, P.Belhumeur, P.Zucker, S.Finding folds: on the appearance and identification of occlusionProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR012001
Huggins, P.Zucker, S.Folds and Cuts: How shading flows into edgesProc. Eigth International Conf. on Computer Vision2001
Zucker, S.Relaxation labeling: 25 years and still iteratingFoundations of Image Understanding289 - 3222001
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part II: mapping complexityInt. J. of Computer Vision421/283-1152001
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part I: the curve like representationInt. J. of Computer Vision421/255-822001
Siddiqi, K.Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.On the psychophysics of the shape triangleVision Research4191153 - 11782001
Bartoli, M.Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Attributed tree homomorphism using association graphsProc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition2000
Zucker, S.Computing in cortical columns: Curve inference and stereo correspondenceBiologically Motivated Computer Vision189 - 2082000
August, J.Zucker, S.The curve indicator random field: Curve organization via edge correlationPerceptual Organization for Artificial Vision Systems2000
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Continuous-based heuristics for graph and tree isomorphisms, with application to computer visionApproximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems2000
Miller, D.Zucker, S.Cliques, Computation, and Computational TractabilityPattern Recognition33535 - 5422000
Shokoufandeh, A.Dickinson, S.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Indexing using a spectral encoding of topological structureCVPR'99 (IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)1999
August, J.Zucker, S.Organizing curve elements with an indicator random field on the (unit) tangent bundleIEEE-NSF Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision1999
August, J.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Ligature instabilities in the perceptual organization of shapeCVPR'99 (IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1999
August, J.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.On the evolution of the skeletonProc. International Conference on Computer Vision315 - 3221999
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Attributed tree matching and maximum weight cliquesProc. ICIAP'99-10th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing1999
Siddiqi, K.Bouix, S.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.The Hamilton-Jacobi skeletonProc. International Conference on Computer Vision828 - 8341999
Bartoli, M.Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Attributed tree homomorphism using association graphsIEEE Workshop on Graph Theory and Computer Vision1999
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Continuous-based heuristics for graph and tree isomorphism, with application to computer vision.Conference on Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems1999
Siddiqi, K.Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Categorical features in shape perceptionAnnual Meeting, Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology (ARVO), Investigative Opth. and Vis. Science1999
August, J.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Ligature Instabilities in the Perceptual Organization of ShapeComputer Vision and Image Understanding763231 - 2431999
August, J.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Contour Fragment Grouping and Shared, Simple OccludersComputer Vision and Image Understanding762146 - 1621999
Miller, D.Zucker, S.Computing with Self-Excitatory Cliques: A Model and An Application to Hyperacuity-scale Computation in Visual CortexNeural Computation11121-661999
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Matching hierarchical structures using association graphsIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence21111105 - 11191999
Siddiqi, K.Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Shapes, shocks, and wigglesImage and Vision Computing175-6365-3731999
Siddiqi, K.Shokoufandeh, A.Dickinson, S.Zucker, S.Shock Graphs and Shape MatchingInternational Journal of Computer Vision35113 - 321999
August, J.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Duality in Perceptual Organization: Grouping vs. shape decompositionIEEE Workshop on Perceptual Organization1998
Pelillo, M.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Matching hierarchical structures using association graphsProc. European Conf. on Computer Vision1998
Zucker, S.Shapes, Shock Graphs, Matching, and PerceptionProc. 1998 Symposium on Imge, Speech, Signal Processing, and Robotics129 - 1481998
Siddiqi, K.Shokoufandeh, A.Dickinson, S.Zucker, S.Shock Graphs and Shape MatchingProc. International Conference on Computer Vision1998
Siddiqi, K.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Hyperbolic "Smoothing'' of Shapes.Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision1998
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Local Scale Control for Edge Detection and Blur EstimationIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence207699 - 7161998
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Evidence for boundary-specific grouping in human visionVision Research381143 - 1521998
Siddiqi, K.Berube, Y.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape SegmentationIEEE Transactions on Image Processing73433 - 4431998papers/MinimizingFlows98.pdf
Langer, M.Zucker, S.What is a light source?CVPR'97 (IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition172 - 1781997
Miller, D.Zucker, S.Reliable computation and related gamesEMMCVPR'973-181997
Siddiqi, K.Berube, Y.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape SegmentationCVPR'97 (IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)1997
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Complexity, confusion, and perceptual groupingAdvances in Visual Form Processing150 - 1601997
Siddiqi, K.Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Shape perception, shocks, and wigglesAdvances in Visual Form Processing549 - 5581997
Langer, M.Zucker, S.Casting light on illumination: A computational model and dimensional analysis of sourcesComputer Vision and Image Understanding652322 - 3351997
August, J.Siddiqi, K.Zucker, S.Fragment grouping via the principle of perceptual occlusionInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition1996
Breton, P.Zucker, S.Shadows and Shading Flow FieldsProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR '96782 - 7891996
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Computing Contour ClosureProc. Fourth European Conf. on Computer Vision1996
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Local scale control for edge detection and blur estimationProc. Fourth European Conf. on Computer Vision1996
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Precision, blur, and the perceptual content of a contour codeProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR '961996
Langer, M.Breton, P.Zucker, S.Massively parallel radiosity in the presence of multiple isotropic volume scatteringProc. Graphics Interface 95103 - 1081995
Elder, J.Zucker, S.The local character of generalized luminance transitionsAnnual Meeting, Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology (ARVO)1995
Zucker, S.Perceptual GroupingHandbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks725 - 7271995
Zucker, S.Visual Computations and Dot ClustersPartitioning Data Sets391 - 4081995
Iverson, L.Zucker, S.Logical/linear operators for image curvesIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence1710982 - 9961995
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Shapes, shocks, and deformations, IInt. J. Computer Vision15189 - 2241995papers/CurveEvolution95.pdf
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Curve-like sets, normal complexity, and representationInternational Conf. on Pattern Recognition1994
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Stryker, M.Complexity Maps Reveal Clusters in Neuronal ArborizationsFractals in Engineering '941994
Langer, M.Zucker, S.Spatially varying illumination: A computational model of converging and diverging sourcesProc. Third European Conf. on Computer Vision1994
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.On the shape triangleAspects of Visual Form Processing307 - 3231994
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.On Optimal Control Methods in Computer Vision and Image ProcessingGeometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision307 - 3381994
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Exploring the shape manifold: the role of conservation lawsShape in Picture601 - 6201994
Elder, J.Zucker, S.A measure of closureVision Research343361 - 33701994
Langer, M.Zucker, S.Shape from Shading on a cloudy dayJ. Opt. Soc. Am., A112467 - 4781994
Jones, D.Zucker, S.A distributed code for disparity and orientationProc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Binocular Stereopsis and Optic Flow1993
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Non-linear shape approximation via the entropy scale spaceProc. SPIE Conf. on Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, II218 - 2331993
Langer, M.Zucker, S.Diffuse Shading, Visibility Fields, and the Geometry of Ambient LightProc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Computer Vision138 - 1471993
Miller, D.Zucker, S.Analog models of visual cortex and the number of storable states: A basis for hypteracuitySnowbird Workshop on Neural Computing1993
Zucker, S.Jones, D.Yeshurun, H.Random dot Moire stereograms indicate a distributed code for orientation and disparity, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1993
Allman, J.Zucker, S.On cytochrome oxidase blobs in visual cortexSpatial Vision for Humans and Robots33 - 391993
Zucker, S.Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.From curve detection to shape description: An outlineComputer Vision: systems, theory, and applications25 - 401993
Elder, J.Zucker, S.The Effect of Contour Closure on the Rapid Discrimination of Two-Dimensional ShapesVision Research337981 - 9911993
Kimia, B.Zucker, S.Symbolic inverse to Gaussian BlurOptical Engineering321166 - 1761993
Zucker, S.Endowing AI with Vision: A biological and computational perspectiveCurrent Science646407 - 4181993
Breton, P.Iverson, L.Langer, M.Zucker, S.Shading flows and scenel bundles: A new approach to shape from shadingSecond European Conference on Computer Vision135 - 1501992
Elder, J.Zucker, S.Contour closure and the perception of shape, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1992
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Exploring the shape manifold: the role of conservation lawsNato Advanced Research Workshop - Shape in Picture1992
Langer, M.Zucker, S.Qualitative shape from active shadingProc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition713 - 7151992
Miller, D.Zucker, S.A Turing-tractable model of computation for nonsymmetric analog networksSnowbird Workshop on Neural Computing1992
Breton, P.Iverson, L.Langer, M.Zucker, S.Shading Flows and Scenel Bundles: A new approach to shape from shadingNeural Networks for Vision and Image Processing111 - 1321992
Zucker, S.Iverson, L.Dobbins, A.Connectionism and the Computational Neurobiology of Curve DetectionConnectionism: Theory and Practice277 - 2961992
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.On the evolution of curves via a function of curvature, 1: The classical caseJ. Mathematical Analysis and Application1632438 - 4581992
Miller, D.Zucker, S.Efficent simplex-like methods for equilibria of nonsymmetric analog networksNeural Computation42167 - 1901992
Sander, P.Zucker, S.Singularities of principal direction fields from 3-D imagesIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence13309 - 3171992
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.Entropy scale spaceThe International Workshop on Visual Form333 - 3441991
Miller, D.Zucker, S.On the complexity of computing equilibria for non-symmetric analog networksProc. International Joint Conf. on Neural Networks313 - 3201991
Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.Zucker, S.A logical/linear model of cortical subunit interaction, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1990
Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.Zucker, S.A mean field model of optic flow estimation, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1990
Elder, J.Zucker, S.The importance of closure in visual search, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1990
Kimia, B.Tannenbaum, A.Zucker, S.A conservation-minded approach to shapeProc. IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Control1990
Zucker, S.Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.On the computational neurobiology of curve detectionProc. British Machine Vision Conf.1990
Zucker, S.Iverson, L.Dobbins, A.On the neural computations underlying curve detectionNeural Networks for Sensory and Motor Systems1990
David, C.Zucker, S.Computing global coveringsProc. SPIE/SPSE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics1990
Zucker, S.Early visionThe Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence394 - 4201990
Zucker, S.Iverson, L.Dobbins, A.On the neural computations of curve detectionAdvanced Neural Computers1990
Allman, J.Zucker, S.Cytochrome oxidase and functional coding in primate striate cortex: An hypothesisCold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biology55979 - 9821990
David, C.Zucker, S.Potentials, valleys, and dynamic global coveringsInt. J. Computer Vision5219 - 2381990
Sander, P.Zucker, S.Inferring surface trace and differential structure from 3-D imagesIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence9833 - 8541990
Zucker, S.Adaptation and attentionBehav. and Brain Sciences134581990
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Mean field theory and MT neuronsProc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics1989
Norman, J.Lappin, J.Zucker, S.Stereoscopic discrimination of smooth vs. discontinuous surface structure, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1989
Zucker, S.David, C.Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.The organization of curve detection: Coarse tangent fields and fine spline coveringsFrom Pixels to Features75 - 901989
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.Endstopping and curvatureVision Research291371 - 13871989
Dubuc, B.Quiniou, J.Roques-Carmes, C.Tricot, C.Zucker, S.Evaluating the fractal dimension of profilesPhysical Review A391500 - 15121989
Dubuc, B.Zucker, S.Tricot, C.Quiniou, J.Wehbi, D.Evaluating the fractal dimension of surfacesProc. Royal Society (London)A425113 - 1271989
Hel-Or, Y.Zucker, S.Texture fields and texture flows: Sensitivity to differencesSpatial Vision4131 - 1391989
Norman, J.Lappin, J.Zucker, S.Stereoscopic discrimination of smooth vs. discontinuous surface structureInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.)2521989
Parent, P.Zucker, S.Trace inference, curvature consistency, and curve detectionIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence11823 - 8391989
Parent, P.Zucker, S.Radial projection: An efficent update rule for relaxation labelingIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence11886 - 8891989
Zucker, S.Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.Two stages of curve detection suggest two styles of visual computationNeural Computation168 - 811989papers/ZuckerDobbinsIverson89.pdf
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Planning collision-free trajectories in time-varying environments: A two-level hierarchyProc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation1644 - 16491988
Zucker, S.David, C.Dobbins, A.Iverson, L.The organization of curve detection: Coarse tangent fields and fine spline coveringsProc. COST 13 Workshop1988
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.The Hypercomplex neuron: Has vision been thrown a curve?Computational Processes in Human Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective1988
Zucker, S.A biologically motivated approach to early visual computations: orientation selection, texture, and optical flowLecture Notes in Computer Science1988
Zucker, S.Iverson, L.Computational networks in early vision: From orientation selection to optical flowNeural Computers1988
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.Endstopped simple cells and curvature: Predictions from a computational modelInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.)3311988
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Planning collision-free trajectories in time-varying environments: A two-level hierarchyThe Visual Computer2304 - 3131988
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection: inferring trace, tangent, and curvature fieldsInt. J. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence2443 - 4581988
Zucker, S.Davis, S.Points and Endpoints: A size/spacing constraint for dot groupingPerception17229 - 2471988
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.Endstopped neurons provide curvature estimatesThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1987
Dubuc, B.Rocques-Carmes, C.Tricot, C.Zucker, S.The variation method: a technique to estimate the fractal dimension of surfacesFractal Aspects of Materials: Disordered systems1987
Dubuc, B.Tricot, C.Zucker, S.Rocques-Carmes, C.The variation method: a technique to estimate the fractal dimension of surfacesProc. SPIE Conf. on Visual Communications and Image Processing1987
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Collision free trajectory planning: Computational geometry and splines in space-timeProc. SIAM Conference on Applied Geometry1987
Hummel, R.Zucker, S.On the foundations of relaxation labeling processesReadings in Computer Vision1987
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection: Tangent fields and the dimensionality of their supportReadings in Computer Vision1987
Zucker, S.The emerging paradigm of computational visionAnnual Reviews of Computer Science69 - 891987
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.Endstopped neurons provide curvature estimatesInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.)2831961987
Dobbins, A.Zucker, S.Cynader, M.Endstopped neurons in the visual cortex as a substrate for calculating curvatureNature3296138438 - 4411987
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Planning Collision-free trajectories: Splines in space-timeInt. J. Robotics and Automation23117 - 1261987
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.The local structure of intensity discontinuities in 1 dimensionIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligencePAMI-9341 - 3551987
Link, N.Zucker, S.Sensitivity to corners in Flow PatternsSpatial Vision2233 - 2441987
Zucker, S.Iverson, L.From orientation selection to optical flowComputer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing37196 - 2201987
Link, N.Zucker, S.Sensitivity to corners in flow patternsProc. Sixth Canadian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence139 - 1421986
Sander, P.Zucker, S.Stable surface estimationInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition1986
Sander, P.Zucker, S.Stable surface estimationProc. Sixth Canadian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence144 - 1471986
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection: inferring trace, tangent, and curvature fieldsInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition1986
Zucker, S.The diversity of perceptual groupingVision, Brain, and Cooperative Computation1986
Zucker, S.The fox and the forest: Toward a Type I/Type II constraint on early optical flowMotion: Representation and Perception29 - 621986
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection and groupingFrom Pixels to Predicates: Progress in Computer Vision1986
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection: Tangent fields and the dimensionality of their supportHuman and Machine Vision II, (Perspectives in Computing, vol. 13)1986
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Toward Efficent Trajectory Planning: the path-velocity decompositionInt. J. Robotics Research572 - 891986
Zucker, S.The computational connection in vision: Early orientation selectionBehaviour Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers18608 - 6171986
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.Receptive fields and the representation of visual informationHuman Neurobiology5121 - 1281986
Hummel, R.A.Kimia, B.Zucker, S.W.Gaussian blur and the heat equation: Forward and inverse solutionsProc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1985
Parent, P.Zucker, S.Curvature, consistency, and curve detectionAnnual Meeting of the Optical Society of America1985
Zucker, S.Casson, Y.Sensitivity to change in early optical flow, Annual MeetingThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalamology (ARVO)1985
Zucker, S.Early optical flow, Invited talkAnnual Meeting of the Optical Society of America1985
Zucker, S.From Early Orientation Selection to Optical FlowHuman/Machine Vision Workshop, Psychonomic Society Meetings1985
Zucker, S.Does connectionism suffice?Behavioural and Brain Sciences8301-3021985
Zucker, S.Structure into motion: Sensitivity to change in early optical flowJ. Opt. Soc. Amer., Ser. A21341985
Zucker, S.Early orientation selection: Tangent fields and the dimensionality of their supportComputer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing3274 - 1031985
Zucker, S.Casson, Y.Sensitivity to change in early optical flowInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.)263571985
Zucker, S.Cavanagh, P.Subjective figures and texture perceptionSpatial Vision1131-1401985
Gupta, K.Zucker, S.Trajectory planning problemsSeventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition1984
Gupta, K.Zucker, S.Trajectory planning problems, I: determining velocity along a 1-dimensional pathProc. Canadian Soc. Computational Studies of Intelligence1984
Kant, K.Zucker, S.Trajectory planning in time-varying environments, I: TPP = (PPP + VPP)SPIE Proceedings: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision1984
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.The local structure of intensity discontinuitiesProc. Canadian Soc. Computational Studies of Intelligence1984
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.The local structure of intensity discontinuitiesSeventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition1984
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.The local structure of intensity discontinuitiesTechnical Program, Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America431984
Zucker, S.Early perceptual groupingWorkshop on Perceptual Organization1984
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.A.Receptive fields and the reconstruction of visual informationProc. Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence1984
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.A.Receptive fields and the reconstruction of visual informationSeventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition1984
Zucker, S.Early perceptual grouping: The What, Why, and How questionsSecond Workshop on Human and Machine Vision1984
Zucker, S.The future of robotic visionSIBEC II1984
Zucker, S.Two processes for early optical flowTechnical Program, Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America561984
Zucker, S.Two processes for early orientation selectionSecond Workshop on Perceptual Organization1984
Zucker, S.Cooperative grouping and early orientation selectionPhysical and Biological Processing of Images1984
Zucker, S.Type I and Type II processes in early orientation selectionFigural Synthesis1984
Zucker, S.Computational and psychophysical experiments in groupingHuman and Machine Vision1984
Zucker, S.Parent, P.Curvature constraints from multiple-size asymmetric operatorsMulti-Resolution Image Processing and Analysis1984
Zucker, S.Finding structure in imagesStockholm Workshop on Computational Vision1983
Zucker, S.Perceptual groupingProceedings of the Workshop on Vision, Brain, and Cooperative Computation1983
Hummel, R.Zucker, S.On the foundations of relaxation labeling processesIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligencePAMI-5267-2871983
Mohammed, J.Hummel, R.Zucker, S.A feasible direction operator for relaxation methodsIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligencePAMI-5330-3321983
Zucker, S.Stevens, K.Sander, P.The relation between brightness and proximity in dot patternsPerception and Psychophysics34513 - 5221983
Levine, M.Zucker, S.Sensory-based robots for the repair of hybrid circuitsCanadian Conf. on Robotics1982
Levine, M.Eskenazi, C.Zucker, S.Automated visual inspection of electronic circuitsCanadian Conf. on Robotics1982
Paton, K.Zucker, S.Spatial pattern in sections of human muscleProc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition1982
Zucker, S.Parent, P.Curvature constraints from multiple-size asymmetric operatorsNSF workshop on Multi-Resolution Image Processing and Analysis1982
Zucker, S.Parent, P.Multiple size operators and optimal curve findingProc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition745 - 7471982
Zucker, S.Cooperative grouping and early orientation selectionInternational Symposium on Physical and Biological Processing of Images1982
Zucker, S.Toward a theory of orientation selection and groupingProc. IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision: Representation and Control1982
Ferrie, F.Levine, M.Zucker, S.Cell tracking: a modeling and minimization approachIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence4277-2911982
Hubschman, H.Zucker, S.Frame to frame coherence and the hidden surface computation: Constraints for a convex worldACM Transactions on Graphics1129-1621982
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.Leclerc, D.A browsing approach to documenting documentationIEEE COMPUTER15646-491982
Terzopoulos, D.Zucker, S.Detection of Osteogenesis Imperfecta by automated texture analysisComputer Graphics and Image Processing20229-2431982
Hubschman, H.Zucker, S.Frame to frame coherence and the hidden surface computation: Constraints for a convex worldProc. SIGGRAPH 811981
Leclerc, Y.Zucker, S.Leclerc, D.A browsing approach to documenting documentationProc. Canadian Man-Machine Communications Conference1981
Zucker, S.Computational and psychophysical experiments in groupingHuman-Machine Vision Workshop1981
Zucker, S.Computer vision and human perception: An essay on the discovery of constraintsProc. Seventh Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence1102-11161981
Zucker, S.Gupta, K.Multiple-level representations for texture discriminationIEEE Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing1981
Zucker, S.Cooperation and visual information processingDigital Image Processing1981
Hubschman, H.Zucker, S.Frame to frame coherence and the hidden surface computation: Constraints for a convex worldComputer Graphics15345-541981
Zucker, S.Leclerc, Y.Mohammed, J.Continuous Relaxation and local maxima selection: Conditions for equivalenceIEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligencePAMI-3117-1281981
Ferrie, F.Levine, M.Zucker, S.Cell tracking: a modeling and minimization approachProc. Fifth International Joint Conf. on Pattern Recognition1980
Hummel, R.Zucker, S.On the foundations of relaxation labeling processesProc. Fifth International Joint Conf. on Pattern Recognition1980
Terzopoulos, D.Zucker, S.Detection of Osteogenesis Imperfecta by automated texture analysisProc. Fifth International Joint Conf. on Pattern Recognition1980
Zucker, S.Computer visionThird Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence1980
Zucker, S.Cooperation and visual information processingProc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Image Analysis1980
Zucker, S.Aspects of visual perception relevant to radiologic diagnosisAnnual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiologists1980
Zucker, S.Local Structure, consistency, and continuous relaxationDigital Image Processing1980
Zucker, S.Terzopoulos, D.Finding structure in co-occurrence matrices for texture analysisImage Modeling1980
Haralick, R.Mohammed, J.Zucker, S.Compatibilities and the fixed points of arithmetic relaxation processesComputer Graphics and Image Processing13242-2561980
Tsotsos, J.Mylopolous, J.Covvey, D.Zucker, S.A framework for visual motion understandingIEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligencePAMI-2563-5731980
Zucker, S.Functional architectures for cognition: Are simple inferences possible?The Behavioral and Brain Sciences3153-1541980
Zucker, S.The computational/representational paradigm as normal science: further supportThe Behavioral and Brain Sciences3406-4071980
Zucker, S.Terzopoulos, D.Finding structure in co-occurrence matrices for texture analysisComputer Graphics and Image Processing12286-3081980
Tsotsos, J.Mylopolous, J.Covvey, D.Zucker, S.A framework for visual motion understandingWorkshop on the analysis of Time-Varying Imagery1979
Tsotsos, J.Mylopolous, J.Covvey, D.Zucker, S.Alven: A study on motion understanding by computerProc. Sixth Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence1979
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.A 3-dimensional edge operatorProc. IEEE Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Proocessing1979
Zucker, S.Terzopoulos, D.Finding structure in co-occurrence matrices for texture analysisWorkshop on Image Modelling1979
Zucker, S.Leclerc, Y.Mohammed, J.Continuous relaxation and local maxima selection: Conditions for equivalenceProc. Sixth Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence1979
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.Toward a low-level description of dot clusters: labelling edge, interior, and noise pointsComputer Graphics and Image Processing9213-2331979
Rosenberg, D.Levine, M.Zucker, S.Computing relative depth relationships from occlusion cuesProc. Fourth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition1978
Zucker, S.Analysis of probabilistic updating rules for relaxation processesEngineering Foundation Conf. on Algorithms for Image Processing1978
Zucker, S.Leclerc, Y.Intensity clustering by relaxationProc. Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence1978
Zucker, S.Mohammed, J.A hierarchial relaxation system for line labelling and groupingProc. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing1978
Zucker, S.Mohammed, J.An analysis of probabilistic relaxation labelling processesProc. IEEE Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing1978
Zucker, S.Local Structure, consistency, and continuous relaxationProc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Image Processing1978
Zucker, S.Low level vision, consistency, and continuous relaxationProc. Canadian Soc. Computational Studies of Intelligence1978
Zucker, S.Production systems with feedbackPattern-Directed Inference Systems1978
Zucker, S.Vertical and horizontal processes in low-level visionComputer Vision Systems1978
Zucker, S.Krishnamurthy, E.Haar, R.Relaxation processes for scene labelling: Convergence, speed, and stabilityIEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and CyberneticsSMC-941-481978
Zucker, S.Production systems with feedbackWorkshop on Pattern-Directed Inference Systems1977
Zucker, S.Toward consistent descriptions in vision systemsProc. Fifth International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence1977
Zucker, S.Vertical and horizontal processes in low- level visionProc. Workshop on Computer Vision Systems1977
Zucker, S.Relaxation labelling and the reduction of local ambiguitiesComputer Methods in Image Analysis1977
Zucker, S.Relaxation labelling, local ambiguities and low-level visionPattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence1977
Zucker, S.Approaches to image segmentationDigital Image Processing and Analysis1977
Lev, A.Zucker, S.Rosenfeld, A.Iterative enhancement of noisy imagesIEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and CyberneticsSMC-7435-4221977
Schacter, B.Lev, A.Zucker, S.Rosenfeld, A.An application of relaxation methods to edge reinforcementIEEE Trans. Systems, Man and CyberneticsSMC-7813-8161977
Zucker, S.Hummel, R.Rosenfeld, A.An application of relaxation labelling to line and curve enhancementIEEE Trans. ComputersC-26393-403 and 922-9291977
Zucker, S.Approaches to image segmentationNATO Advanced Study Institute on Image Processing1976
Zucker, S.On the convergence , speed, and stability of relaxation labelling processesEngineering Foundation Conf. on Image Processing Algorithms1976
Zucker, S.Relaxation labelling and the reduction of local ambiguitiesProc. Third International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition1976
Zucker, S.Relaxation labelling, local ambiguities and low-level visionProc. International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence1976
Zucker, S.Relaxation processes in low-level visionSIGGRAPH '76 Workshop1976
Rosenfeld, A.Hummel, R.Zucker, S.Scene labelling by relaxation operationsIEEE Trans. Systems, Man and CyberneticsSMC-6420-4331976
Zucker, S.Toward a model of textureComputer Graphics and Image Processing5190-2021976
Zucker, S.Region growing: Childhood and adolescenceComputer Graphics and Image Processing5382-3991976
Zucker, S.On the structure of texturePerception5419-4361976
Zucker, S.Rosenfeld, A.Davis, L.General purpose models: Expectations about the unexpectedAdv. Papers Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence7-111975
Zucker, S.Rosenfeld, A.Davis, L.Picture segmentation by texture discriminationProc. 2nd U.S.A.- Japan Computer Conference1975
Zucker, S.Rosenfeld, A.Davis, L.Picture segmentation by texture discriminationIEEE Trans. ComputersC-241228-12331975
Zucker, S.Fromm, E.Interactive semi-automated data reductionProc. 24th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology1971
Zucker, S.Fromm, E.Quantization of long sequences of 2-channel biologic dataProc. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology1971