ResearchPlant growth and development
Do veins know the shape of a leaf? When should a vein sprout a new branch, and in which direction should it grow? Is it necessary that this is genetically encoded, or is there a systems biology approach?
We develop a theory of vein formation during plant development based on the hormone auxin and its facilitated transport.
- A constant production hypothesis that predicts the dynamics of leaf venation patterningProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA)13249363 - 93682006
- Distance Maps and Plant Development #1: Uniform Production and Proportional DestructionarXiv:0905.4446 [q-bio.QM]2013
- Distance Maps and Plant Development #2: Facilitated Transport and Uniform GradientarXiv:0905.4662 [q-bio.QM]2013