Library bpsl-abstract-coqdoc

Axiom prop_ext : prop_extensionality.

Definition of a Separation Algebra

Module Type SepAlgebra.

Parameter A : Set.
Parameter u : A.

Parameter dot : option A -> option A -> option A.
Notation "a @ b" := (dot a b) (at level 2).

Definition disj (st0 st1 : A) : Prop := (Some st0) @ (Some st1) <> None.
Notation "st0 # st1" := (disj st0 st1) (at level 2).

Definition substate (st0 st : A) : Prop := exists st1, (Some st0) @ (Some st1) = Some st.
Notation "st0 <<= st" := (substate st0 st) (at level 2).

Axiom dot_none : forall a, None@a = None.
Axiom dot_unit : forall a, (Some u)@a = a.
Axiom dot_comm : forall a b, a@b = b@a.
Axiom dot_assoc : forall a b c, (a@b)@c = a@(b@c).
Axiom dot_cancel : forall st a b, (Some st)@a = (Some st)@b -> a = b.

End SepAlgebra.

Definition/facts for local actions

Declare Module S : SepAlgebra.
Notation "st0 @ st1" := ( (Some st0) (Some st1)) (at level 2).

Inductive state :=
| St : S.A -> state
| Bad : state
| Div : state.

Definition action := state -> state -> Prop.

Definition local (f : action) : Prop :=
  (forall st, f Bad st <-> st = Bad) /\ (forall st, f Div st <-> st = Div) /\ (forall st, exists st', f st st') /\
  (forall st0 st1 st, ~ f (St st0) Bad -> st0 @ st1 = Some st ->
    (~ f (St st) Bad /\ (f (St st0) Div <-> f (St st) Div)) /\
     (forall st0', f (St st0) (St st0') -> exists st', st0' @ st1 = Some st' /\ f (St st) (St st')) /\
     (forall st', f (St st) (St st') -> exists st0', st0' @ st1 = Some st' /\ f (St st0) (St st0'))).

Definition id_act : action := fun st st' => st = st'.
Definition compose (f1 f2 : action) : action := fun st st' => exists st'', f1 st st'' /\ f2 st'' st'.
Definition union {A} (_ : inhabited A) (fs : A -> action) : action := fun st st' => exists a : A, fs a st st'.

Lemma compose_assoc : forall f1 f2 f3, compose (compose f1 f2) f3 = compose f1 (compose f2 f3).

Lemma 5 from paper
Lemma compose_local : forall f1 f2, local f1 -> local f2 -> local (compose f1 f2).

Lemma 6 from paper
Lemma union_local {A} (p : inhabited A) : forall fs, (forall a : A, local (fs a)) -> local (union p fs).

Lemma id_local : local id_act.

Definition and semantics of the program language

Module Type Language.

Parameter prim : Set.
Parameter prim_sem : prim -> {f : action | local f}.

Inductive cmd :=
| Prim : prim -> cmd
| Seq : cmd -> cmd -> cmd
| Choice : cmd -> cmd -> cmd
| Iter : cmd -> cmd.

Fixpoint cmd_sem (C : cmd) : action :=
  match C with
  | Prim c => let (f,_) := prim_sem c in f
  | Seq C1 C2 => compose (cmd_sem C1) (cmd_sem C2)
  | Choice C1 C2 => union (inhabits true) (fun b : bool => if b then cmd_sem C1 else cmd_sem C2)
  | Iter C => union (inhabits 0) (fix rec (n : nat) := match n with
                                                       | 0 => id_act
                                                       | S n => compose (cmd_sem C) (rec n)

End Language.

Declare Module L : Language.

Lemma sem_local : forall C : L.cmd, local (L.cmd_sem C).

Definition iter_n C n := (fix rec n' := match n' with
                                        | 0 => id_act
                                        | S n' => compose (L.cmd_sem C) (rec n')
                                        end) n.

Lemma iter_n_local : forall C n, local (iter_n C n).

Lemma compose_iter : forall C n, compose (L.cmd_sem C) (iter_n C n) = compose (iter_n C n) (L.cmd_sem C).

Assertions, triples, and inference rules

Definition assert := S.A -> Prop.
Inductive triple := Trip : assert -> L.cmd -> assert -> triple.
Definition Pre (t : triple) := let (p,_,_) := t in p.
Definition Cmd (t : triple) := let (_,C,_) := t in C.
Definition Post (t : triple) := let (_,_,q) := t in q.

Definition emp : assert := fun _ => False.
Definition star (p q : assert) : assert := fun st => exists st0, exists st1, p st0 /\ q st1 /\ st0 @ st1 = Some st.
Notation "p ** q" := (star p q) (at level 2).
Definition implies (p q : assert) : Prop := forall st, p st -> q st.
Definition disj (I : Set) (ps : I -> assert) : assert := fun st => exists i : I, ps i st.
Definition conj (I : Set) (ps : I -> assert) : assert := fun st => forall i : I, ps i st.

Axiom emp_dec : forall p, {p = emp} + {exists st, p st}.

Lemma disj_canonical : forall p : assert, p = disj {st : S.A | p st} (fun stp => let (st,_) := stp in eq st).

Lemma disj_eq : forall (p : assert) (I : Set), inhabited I -> p = disj I (fun _ => p).

Lemma disj_emp : forall (ps : False -> assert), emp = disj False ps.

Definition valid (t : triple) : Prop := let (p,C,q) := t in
  forall st, p st -> ~ L.cmd_sem C (St st) Bad /\ forall st', L.cmd_sem C (St st) (St st') -> q st'.

Definition prim_act c := let (f,_) := L.prim_sem c in f.

Inductive derivable : triple -> Prop :=
| Derive_prim : forall st c,
    ~ prim_act c (St st) Bad -> derivable (Trip (eq st) (L.Prim c) (fun st' => prim_act c (St st) (St st')))
| Derive_seq : forall p q r C1 C2,
    derivable (Trip p C1 q) -> derivable (Trip q C2 r) -> derivable (Trip p (L.Seq C1 C2) r)
| Derive_choice : forall p q C1 C2,
    derivable (Trip p C1 q) -> derivable (Trip p C2 q) -> derivable (Trip p (L.Choice C1 C2) q)
| Derive_iter : forall p C,
    derivable (Trip p C p) -> derivable (Trip p (L.Iter C) p)
| Derive_frame : forall p q r C,
    derivable (Trip p C q) -> derivable (Trip p**r C q**r)
| Derive_conseq : forall p p' q q' C,
    derivable (Trip p C q) -> implies p' p -> implies q q' -> derivable (Trip p' C q')
| Derive_disj : forall (I : Set) ps qs C,
    (forall i : I, derivable (Trip (ps i) C (qs i))) -> derivable (Trip (disj I ps) C (disj I qs))
| Derive_conj : forall (I : Set) ps qs C,
    inhabited I -> (forall i : I, derivable (Trip (ps i) C (qs i))) -> derivable (Trip (conj I ps) C (conj I qs)).

Lemma derive_emp : forall C p, derivable (Trip emp C p).

Soundness and completeness

Lemma soundness : forall t, derivable t -> valid t.

Lemma completeness : forall t, valid t -> derivable t.

Theorem 3 from paper
Theorem soundness_and_completeness : forall t, derivable t <-> valid t.